Monday, August 2, 2010

Heat Wave!

We are having a heat wave! It reached 102 today. It is really hard for me to tolerate this heat. Tomorrow I have to make a trip to Hillsboro, about a 40 mile round trip to take Kandi to get her shots. Hill County offers low cost shots on the third of the month. It is quite a saving, so I will get up early and be there by 10 am.
Did not do a lot yesterday, my day of rest. Watched my TV Preachers, and tried to study my Bible for a while. Went back to bed, my bad! After my nap, defrosted the ice maker, and did a load of laundry, it seems to be better to run the dryer at night when it is cooler. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
I am using my Droid phone to get on line. It is slow. I have not figured a way to post to my blog off line, and upload to blogger when I sign on. Can this be done?

1 comment:

  1. I think LiveWriter will do what you need - I don't use it for one, because it is for Microsoft and not Mac. I think Rick,
    has covered many features and uses of this software in his blog though, and you might find the answers you need there.
