Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Texas Fish Hatcheries at Athens,TX

Welcome to my two new readers, Kenny and Will, if I missed you, I am sorry. Hard for an old lady to keep up!
A camp out at Staway RV Park, Murchison,Texas with the Lone Star Singles Sams was close to Athens,Texas and the Texas Fish Hatcheries  so a trip to see the big fish was a treat. We caravaned to the Visitor Center, and I took these pictures in the Aquaria , some had the camera flash, but you can still see the big fish. Remember everything is bigger in Texas!
The small town of Athens isn't far from the RV park, and like most small towns it is built on a "square". Athens has a number of small shops but the most "famous" is The Hog House. It serves great ham sandwiches, at that time they had one or two small tables, but for the most part is was a to go place.  If you were lucky you could buy a Ham Bone! Great for a pot of pinto beans. There was plenty of ham on the bone! 

I think I am breaking out with something. I have been scratching and scratching! I thought I may have to go to the doctor, but I figured out what it was, HITCH ITCH!


  1. That is so funny, Hitch Itch. :) I love to go to aquariums. Nice pictures. Stay safe.

  2. I went to that hatchery on the way to Colorado, and I thought it was very interesting to see all the little hatchlings, too.

    That Hitch-Itch will getcha every time.
    Maybe the old remedy of putting a tablespoon of castor oil in your bathwater, but then just hitchin' will relieve the itchin'!

    Happy Trails, Penny, TX
