Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garden of Hope

Let's plant a garden to last the year round.
Let's use it's harvest all our days.
Hope for a full harvest!!
First plant 5 rows of peas
4. Perseverance
Next plant 3 rows of Squash
1.Squash gossip
2.Squash indifference
3.Squash criticism
Then plant 5 rows of lettuce
1.Let us be faithful to duty
2.Let us be unselfish
3.Let us be loyal
4.Let us be true to our obligations
5.Let us love one another
No garden is complete without Turnips
1.Turn up with a smile
2.Turn up the new ideas
3.Turn up with determination to make good and worthwhile.
I don't remember where I read this, but thought I would share!

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