We are in a heat wave here in Texas. Twenty five days of 100 degrees or more. What's bad, it doesn't cool off at night. The low this morning was 86. This is the highest low ever recorded! I will be glad when this heat wave breaks. I don't feel like doing anything.What we need is a hurricane! I was reading my Trailblazer magazine from Thousand Trails, and this issue they feature Washington state. It really looks inviting. So many nice TT parks in Oregon and Washington. If I live long enough to get another rig, that is where I am heading! With Thousand Trails, I can stay two weeks free in each park, all the way up the coast and back down! I also belong to RPI, Resorts Parks International, and there are a number of them on the west coast too. I don't know if I will renew my membership with them or not. They keep going up, and the park rates keep going up. Used to be $10.00 per night for TT members, now it's $18, if I read it right, and $2.00 for reservation fee. I have been a member of Thousand Trails/Naco since 1983 and am trying to keep my budget where I can still pay my dues of $550.00 year. Not easy on low income. It may get even lower, who knows. Looking at class c motorhomes', and possible tow car. Guess you can tell, I don't want to just sit here.
Curtains for my utility room. Just below them I keep my ironing board and iron. I forgot how to use it but it is there, makes a good folding table. My stak-pak washer (from my rv) is to the right of the curtains. The window looks out on the hallway, no view. I didn't have any trouble putting them up this time. They cost a total of $4.00, from the Dollar Store. Not bad? Still hot and humid. Humidity is 49%, it feel like a steam bath. Having computer problems. I think it is something I downloaded from Google!
That's right, sixteen days of temps 100 or above, but take heart, it's just going to be 99 tomorrow! Today was a peaceful day, did a little mending I had been putting off. Tried on clothing, some I thought was too small actually fit, and some too large. So, I feel I am making a little headway in clearing out my "junk" pile. Next time I move to an RV, it will be less to haul. Judy, one of my readers says Gypsy and I have the same problem. I think we do, I just wish I had discovered what I wanted BEFORE, I rented an apartment. I do like my apartment, just not apartment living, and I sure didn't sign on for so much cleaning. I must have been drunk! I didn't remember how much dusting, moping, and vacuuming there was to keep house. House work is not very rewarding, as it is never finished. I have added a new Blog to my list. Desert Messenger,Quartzsite. This is a newspaper, very interesting, if you are a Quartzsite boondocking person. The Mayor there is a member of the LoWs , and a nice fellow. It will list all the shows and dates, probably not until Oct. Hot and tired, going to bed!
Nothing new going on here, just trying to keep cool. I was 106 here yesterday. Just too hot to get out and do anything. My daughter Cherry, came Thursday and we played Bingo again. Didn't win a thing. Guess I shouldn't have griped about winning a package of purse size Kleenex last time we played. It was nice, package of 9, so I won't gripe any more. I am still sorting through clothes, and have a "pile" for Goodwill. It's not a job I like, so, that is why I keep putting it off. I keep thinking I will loose weight and they will fit, yeah, right! I enjoy reading the Blogs, even tho most people don't seem to be traveling much this summer. I am still "looking" for a RV. One day it's a small travel trailer, the next, a class b or c, and the next, back to a fifth wheel, just smaller. There is an RV dealer close by that is having a Super Sale this week end, but I am just not able to look at RVs in triple digits. You know they wouldn't be hooked up to have A/C. I will just keep trying to figure out what I want, then, go looking. I like some of the 22-24 ft. trailer, but they seem not to have space for a recliner. I have to get my feet up. One I looked at was ARTIC FOX, it had a bed, no sofa, or chair. I don't think I would be happy with that. Meanwhile, I will try to get rid of my junk. I have several items listed on e-Bay right now. One is my Honda EU1000 generator. Really wasn't sure if I wanted to sell it, but, I think I had rather have the money, than the generator.
Or hardly working? My new white curtains have been draped over my ladder at the foot of my bed for about a week. Every time I wake up during the night, I see this ghostly figure at the foot of my bed, unnerving me, until I wake up slightly and remember it's my drapes! Today, I decided I would get them hung, period! Well, everything is harder for an old lady. First off I had to disconnect the TV from the Dish, then unplug from the wall, and after that move the sewing machine my TV was sitting on, just so I could get the ladder up to the window. I was already tired by then. My brackets are the double ones, for shears on one rod and the draperies on the other. The nails that came with the brackets would not hold in the sheet rock. I knew better, I just thought I would try anyway. Finally I found some sheet rock anchors in my "tool" box, that would fit that bracket. So, back up the ladder I went, pounded it in and positioned the bracket, and screwed the screw in, the bracket had a center hole, and that is where I placed the screw. The top and bottom hole is for the nails, which wouldn't hold, so I left them off. Back down the ladder, move the ladder over to reach the other side. I carefully measured, to make sure they were the same distance from the ceiling, and edge of the window. Then I pounded the sheet rock anchor in the place I had marked with my pencil. Placed the bracket and then screw in the center hole as I had done the other side. For the life of me, I could not get it screwed in. I was having to reach over to the left, and hold my bracket with my right hand and try to screw the bracket in the anchor with my left hand. Now, I am NOT left handed, and I found this very hard to do. I kept dropping the bracket, so I tried holding the bracket with my left hand, reaching over my shoulder with my right hand to screw the bracket, well this didn't work either. Had to take a break, as my back was killing me. While sitting in my recliner, on ice, I thought, I have a cordless drill, just get it out, and use it! Move the ladder again, get the drill, find the right screwdriver thingy, up the ladder with the drill in one hand and holding on with the other one, couldn't hold the drill up long enough to drill. Too heavy. Then I tried leaning really hard on the ladder, and holding the drill with both hands, still couldn't do it. Damn, being old is not fun! Had to go and rest again. My sugar was dropping too low, so I took a break and had a bite to eat. Sweat pouring off me, but I am determined to hang my drapes! So, up the ladder I go again, to heck with the drill, I took my little nub of a hammer and hammered the screw in, and then the screw driver and clung to the ladder with my right hand, screwed that sucker in. Then I noticed that I had hung the brackets upside down. Well, they are staying that way! I hung up the shears first, no trouble, then the drapes. The draperies have tie backs, so I again had to try to screw in a hook for the tie backs. Couldn't do it, so I used thumb tacks. Got them started, and then my trusty hammer, wham,wham, and we are done! Don't breathe to hard, if they fall, I will have to ask for help. As I said the brackets are upside down, and they are going to stay that way. Kandi is so upset during all this, she stayed under the bed. I am tired, and I still have more drapes to hang, but not today.My back is killing me, so I took 1/2 pain pill, I have tried ice, and now I think I will get the heating pad out. I will be so sore tomorrow, I may not be able to get out of bed!
Hot again today in Cleburne, it got to 102 and I felt it too. A pleasant day, my second born daughter came to visit. First time she had seen my tiny apartment. It was Bingo day to boot, so we went to play Bingo,and I got to yell BINGO! I didn't win much, just a package of pocket tissues, but it was fun to win something.
Tonight was entertainment by Lady Raye. She put on a good show as usual. I forgot my camera, so didn't get any pictures! Lady Raye does country western with a smidgen of Rock n Roll. Even the people in electric chairs try to do the "twist". I think my Rock n Roll days have turned to "rocking chair" days! Came home early and popped a top of cold Miller Chill!
Yesterday was July 1st and I was supposed to be out of the parking lot by 9:00am again. I left at nine and it seems no one else was going to move. In any case I had to be in town early, so it was OK. I did a little shopping, went to Goodwill, didn't find anything there. Then went to Cleburne Thrift. I had not been there before. I found a small love seat I would like to get for my little apartment. I just need to find someone to unload it for me when I get it to the apartment. My next stop was Big Lots, a lot like Dollar store, but more merchandise. Bought a curtain rod, and mattress pad for the twin bed in my "guest" room.Then on to Wal Mart, I thought I would get a McDonald's chicken sandwich, but when I got there, the line was too long to wait. No electric carts were available either, so I had to walk the store. About half hour later I was in so much pain, I could barely take it. I went to the deli and bought some popcorn chicken to snack on as I shopped. Wal Mart had fresh corn on the cob for 15 cents ea. I just brought three ears, but wished now I had bought more and put them in the freezer. I keep forgetting I have freezer space now! Also bought some tomatoes, still on the vine for 89 cents a lb. I had a very good supper last night of fresh corn,tomatoes, boiled potatoes with butter! Not on my diet, but so good. Today I made a wonderful Pineapple sugar free pie. My friend and fellow blogger, Helen, had on her blog. She is a full timer, living in her fifth wheel at Rockport,Texas. This year she solved her towing problem with the purchase of a travel trailer to take to her "summer" home in IA. No more towing a big RV. She will have a winter home in Texas, and summer home in IA. Check out her recipes! She post a new recipe every month. This pie called for a ready Graham cracker crust, but I think it would be just as good in a serving dish, without the crust!
I went to my storage bldg. in Whitney,TX yesterday. I was supposed to have my truck off the parking lot by 9: am, but when I left, no one was here busy power washing the parking lot. No one else seemed like they intended on moving their vehicles, I needed to go to Whitney anyway. It is a hard drive because of all the road construction. I talked to the manager of the Storage place about getting some help. He gave me a card with a place that would help, for $40.00 an hour, with a two hour min. yeah, right, I am going for that deal! It was just too hot to do much. My bldg. is stuffed from front to back. I was only able to work my way back just a little, so as to get a path toward the back. When you step inside, the heat really hits you. I did throw away some boxes, and took a few thing to the church for their thrift store. By then it was lunch time and I went to Sonic drive in to get a hamburger. If you have never been to Sonic, you know you park on one side, and the car hops roller skate around waiting on you. I am wondering why some "dude" on the other side always leaves his headlights on in the daytime, thus shining in my eyes? I like their hamburgers and fries, they have a drive in here, but they are not as good! I then went to the Family Dollar store for a few, just have to have items, and stopped by the beauty salon and got my senior haircut. $10.00, a good buy, I think! By the time I returned to Cleburne I was really tired and shaky. Just can't do much in this heat any more. When I got here about 4:00 pm I could see the men working on the back side of the bldg with the pressure washer. I don't think anyone moved their vehicle,except for me!
Single full time RV'r for six years, tried the apartment thing for a year, back fo full time in new to me 2004 35ft. Montana.I
belong to several RV clubs for single's. Loners on Wheels (LoW's) Escapee's RV club (SOLO'S) Good Sam, Thousand Trails (a resort camping) FREEROADER'S a internet group.
At one time my CB "handle" was roadrunner. When my husband died it became "Soloroadrunner" I was born and raised in Texas. Hope you will enjoy my travel adventures!