We have had one or two good rains here, but all it did was make it swealtering hot. So humid.
I am so tired of trying to deal with doctors. Seems like now when you are old, and need more care, they (doctors) don't care! When we were younger and paid in to these insurance companies, we were never sick. NOW, where are they? I have been suffering with a raging bladder infection for a week. I called my doctor for a refill of Cipro, he prescribes this for me all the time. He is in Cleburne, about 30 miles away and it is hard for me to just drop every thing to go when he is there. He has an office in Burleson also. Then there are the days he is only in the office half days. Hell, who can keep up with his schedule? I am thinking of changing doctors, one here in Whitney. But, I hate to go to a new doctor, fill out all that paper work etc.I have been with Dr. Bates for about ten years, and I would like to stay with him, but, this driving back and forth, and not being able to get my meds. refilled is not good!What did women in the old days do when they had bladder infections? I know there must be some "folk" remedies.
What kind of wax would you use to wax your RV?
Thought I had some, turns out, not.
20 hours ago
In the old days I'm sure the older women had remedies for just about everything.