Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gee Whiz!!

This moving is not an easy thing. Seems like the harder I work the worse things get. Most of the day I was in tears. Don't know why, just one of those days. Yesterday I took Kandi to the groomer. That was a waste of time. I took one look inside and decided not for my dog. First she said $33.00, and if matted really bad $10.00 hour extra. But she couldn't give me a firm price, and she would either be ready in two hours, or maybe it would be 5 or 6 o'clock! Gee, I just walked. Who needs that kind of a groomer. I have had three poodles and never had any groomer like that!
I have been boxing up stuff and haven't even started on my kitchen or bedroom. I didn't know I had so much stuff! Yeah, I did know! My apartment is junked up too! It is very nice, but no microwave, so I am trying to think of something to "cook" that just needs heating up. I was thinking I might go and spend the week end there and try to unpack a few things. The beds I ordered from Sam's Wholesale are the weirdest looking thing, but they are comfortable. I need to get a mattress pad and some sheets for the twin size one. I have been looking for my camera for days, well today I found it, in my desk drawer! Maybe I can post some pictures of the pond behind my apartment. Here is my empty kitchen!


  1. I am sure your kitchen will look nice once you have your stuff in there. I hope it all works out for you. Try taking it easy for awhile. I know that is easier said than done but you have to stay healthy to cope. Good luck.

  2. I would like to see a picture of your weird bed when you get things lined out. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Take your time and enjoy your new adventure.
