Tuesday my daughter took me to Cleburne to my doctor. They re checked my potassium and blood thinner levels. Then we enjoy a nice lunch dinner at Chillies. We went to Walmart while in Cleburne.
Wed. my doctors office calls me to say go back on Potassium, my level is too low, it is 3.2. So I am making an effort to take them, even though they make my tummy hurt. Also trying to raise my Potassium level by eating a banana per day. As a kid I was allergic to them, but I froze a couple and made a "smoothie" and seem to tolerate them OK.
Thursday my doctors office calls to tell me my blood is too thin! Skip two days, then one half, a whole one,half one, etc. Re-check in a week. However I do feel a little better these last two days. If any one has a recipes for "smoothies" that will raise my Potassium, please let me know!
21 hours ago