Monday, January 16, 2012

Good news!

A lot of good news from this ole gal. I think things are finally looking up. Went to the house and with my daughter boxed up most of my stuff I had brought from my storage bldg. to sell. It is ready to go back to my storage bldg, just couldn't load it in my truck. Talked to my buyer and he is still interested and ready to sign a contract! Called my real estate agent, she tells me we have had another inquiry. Maybe things will work out after all. 
I am placing ads on e-Bay classified ads for some of the furniture I have for sale, as well as fliers to post here at the apartments. 
I am getting a little stronger everyday. After not driving my truck since Dec. 22 it started. now if I can just get my new tag on!
And, after consulting with my insurance co. they will pay for my Pradaxa and at a reasonable price.
Looks like I may be on a roll!
I keep reading all the blogs, and have noticed quite a few are really not about travel any more, so I don't feel so bad about posting my non travel blog! However, I hope that will change soon. Still looking at RV's. 


  1. I'm glad things are looking up for you. It's true that a lot of people aren't blogging about travel, because most probably aren't traveling full-time.

  2. I enjoy your Blog, RVing or not. Keep up the good work ☺
