I did manage to go to my storage bldg. Just threw my junk in and left. When I opened that metal door a gust of hot air hit me, made me sick. Then I made a fast trip to the grocery store, and back home to get under the air. My days seem to get shorter and shorter. The weather man is talking about a break in the weather by next week. I really hope so, I am tired of the heat. It has really taken a toll on me this year. My friend wants me to go to Oregon with her, I may just take her up on it!
20 hours ago
A friend gave me your blog address and recommend that I read it. I just started a blog on blogspot(http://thefrugaltravelers.blogspot.com), but have been writing a blog on mytripjournal for over two years. Your site looks very interesting and I hope to get to know you better through reading it. I have put your site on my blog list, if you would rather I didn't, please let me know. Pidge