What is the saying, if I didn't have bad luck I would have no luck at all! Yesterday was another one of those days. First my watch battery died. Sunday night the TV in my bedroom died. Monday I find the refrigerator is off! I noticed the antenna boost light was off, so I am figuring it's the fuse. Blown from trying to air up my tires. When your refrigerator won't come on, it is either, you have a dead battery, (I had checked that Sat. I knew it was OK)or a blown fuse, or your converter is out. I knew the converter was ok, because when I turned on 12 volt lights, it came on. So, had to be a fuse. So I get my fuse tester/puller and box of fuses. My fuse box is right by the entry door, hard for me to reach, because of my back and hip problems. So I call the office and ask if the maintenance man could come and put a fuse in for me, that my fridge was off and everything would spoil in this heat in a hurry. So, she says sure. I wait, and I wait, decided to take out my trash, and on the way to the trash bin, I see one on my neighbor men drive up in the golf cart. I hailed him and ask if he could put the fuse in for me. He says, wait, I will go get my glasses. So he comes back in a few mins. and about that time his wife comes running out to the street screaming, tell her to call the maintenance man! What in the H*ll did she think I was going to do? Steal her man? He says to me, I am a truck driver, I don't know much about electric! So I ask him, you CAN put a fuse in can't you? He just walked off.Well I got all my stuff, flashlight, magnifying glass, my glasses, my cell phone, and my fuse puller, and fuses, got in the floor, and started pulling fuses. I got to tell you, this old, dumb ass lady fixed it!I called the ranger back and told her not to worry I took care of it!
Then I went to town, got a hair cut, stopped at Western Auto to look at their air compressors, the ones you can plug in to the electric. Decided I didn't want to spend $127.00, I told the clerk my problem with the blown fuses in my truck, she said it would cost $5.00 for them to ck it. So I say, OK, sounds good to me. I was sure too tired to try to fix that too. Didn't take the guy too long, but I had two, and he charged me $14.50! Lesson learned! I watched him and next time I will do it my self. After that I stopped at the store, by the time I got home I was in bad shape. My sugar had dropped to 76, I was afraid I would pass out. I took my "sugar" tabs and finally got to feeling OK.
I spent the day off and on in the bed! I am so tired and stressed, I don't know when I will move. I think if I ever do get out, I won't be back.
My friend that wants to go to Oregon has an antique store she is trying to sell out of, but it is slow going. I am hoping she will just wholesale it out, and we can go, before one of us can't!